Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Chronicles of Marnia Continues

Take a gander at this picture of Paris Hilton and her new pink Bentley. Notice anything special about this tabloid photo? Well, check out the little hungry girl in the background wearing her lime green REI windbreaker headed home for lunch from her job at the children's bookstore. Yep, that's me. As I waited to cross the street, I saw her pull up (who didn't) and as I crossed she began to get out, and I thought, "oh shit, there are about 30 people taking pictures of me". So today I checked out my favorite gossip blog (socialite life) and lo and behold, there I was. Honestly, I was more excited than I should have been. I love that blog, almost as much as I love this blog. Unfortunately it was kind of hard to get home and there was some inconvenient and awkward shuffling past Paris, her new BFF (seriously, and have you seen that show?), and all the photogs. It's just so hard being famous, what can I say.
Continuing my glamorous life of seasonal gift wrapping, errand running (today my boss at the bookstore actually sent me to another bookstore to buy a book), and cat vaccinating, I'm going to japan in two days to pay chado sensei a little visit, so I'm sure that we'll write soon. He's saving a nice beer for us to share so I'm sure we'll tell you all about it. I was actually going to write earlier about this beer that my dad has been drinking lately. It was going to be a silly little piece on an exTKE enjoying a miraculously %14 beer in his golden years, but it turns out that two months ago he went to USC homecoming and got completely wasted at the TKE tent beforehand on bacardi 151. He forgot to eat breakfast and lunch and only remembers getting to his seat before the game, realizing he was going to puke and running to the bathroom. The next 5 hours I guess are a blur. He was carried home by his old roomate (a doctor) and brought home to my stepmother (also a doctor) where they monitored him for a few hours before deciding he didn't need to go to the hospital. Needless to say, he hasn't been drinking for a while. By the way, my dad only threw up from drinking once before (on his 21st birthday). Moral of the story is, nothing ever changes... except your alcohol tolerance. TKE forever or whatever. Can't wait to be there to take all of you to the hospital when you make bad decisions at the age of 54. Awwwwwwww. Love Marnie

Monday, December 8, 2008

Whitman GBN Invitation

I know it's a long stretch, but I want to formally invite everyone to the Condemned House Monday night at 10pm for GBN, which will include the beer Eli and I brewed this semester. Despite a disappointing sip during the bottling process and a mediocre taste before leaving for Thanksgiving, the IPA has turned into a decent beer by all accounts since Thanksgiving.
I have only reentered the world of drinking on Friday after finishing my thesis, so I have no other beer updates, but perhaps after Monday's GBN I will provide a more inlightening report.
Cheers to all. And cheers to good beers in Walla Walla!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Part 3 of a 12 Part Series, "The Couch"

Two Recently Miniaturized Scientists Watch
Fantastic Voyage

Rupert the Scientist: My God, Watson! It appears our experiment has gone terribly, terribly awry!

Chet the Scientist: omg this fucking sucks

Rupert the Scientist: This is incredible - we've somehow re-oriented our spatial coordinates!

Chet the Scientist: yea we're really small

Rupert the Scientist: What in God's name are we going to do, Watson?

Chet the Scientist: dude my name isn't watson

Rupert: (grabbing Chet's shoulders and furiously shaking them) What are we going to do, Watson?!

Chet: y do you keep calling me that

Rupert: Calm down, Watson! OK, OK...we're going to be calm about this. Calm, and rational. We'll just deal with this problem like we deal with every problem...

Chet: fuck no we're not watching that stupid movie again

Rupert: ...by watching the greatest movie in the history of mankind, Fantastic Voyage!

Chet: no that movie is teh suck, you can lick my nuts

Rupert: Insert the tape, Watson!

Chet: fist yourself

Rupert: Thank you, Watson!

(The movie begins playing)

Chet: dude how did you do that

Dr. Duval: Yet all the suns that light the corridors of the universe shine dim before the blazing of a single thought...
Grant: - proclaiming in incandescent glory the myriad mind of Man...
Dr. Michaels: Very poetic, gentlemen. Let me know when we pass the soul.
Dr. Duval: The soul? The finite mind cannot comprehend infinity - and the soul, which comes from God, is infinite.
Dr. Michaels: Yes, well, our time isn't.

Chet: o snap

Rupert: This movie is drowning in majesty!

Chet: raquel welch was really hot. i would tap that like a mafia phone line

Rupert: Do not defile the sacred vessel of the Blessed Cora Peterson, Assistant to the Handsome and Godly Dr. Peter Duval!

Chet: shut ur face, crazy man

[Near the end of them movie, the intrepid crew escapes their ruined submarine through a teardrop, escaping in the nick of time and reverting to normal size]

Rupert: Now, Watson, if you once again INSIST on pointing out that tiny logical inconsistency in an otherwise brilliant film, I shall become very cross.

Chet: y didn't the sub get bigger and crack that dude's skull like a ping pong ball under a freight locomotive

Rupert: That's IT, Watson, that's absolutely the last straw!

Chet: if you call me Watson 1 more time i am going to flip out

Rupert: Prepare yourself, insolent cur!

Chet: for what, u hack, u cant do anything, do u think u r a wizard or something -

[Chet explodes]

Rupert: Yes. I am a wizard! I put on my robe and my wizard hat!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Good beer?

It snowed today! I'm using a pretty liberal definition of snow, but from what I've gathered, the flurries that I saw out the window today are pretty rare down here in Nashville. I thought I'd celebrate the magic of the season with some tasty winter beer, but I found Georgia Moon Corn Whiskey (Less than 30 days old!) at the store instead. I've never seen alcohol sold in mason jars before. I feel like it's very Whitman hippie recycler meets Southern hick moonshiner. I haven't tried it yet...I'll wait for the snow to start sticking to the ground. Miss you all!