Two Recently Miniaturized Scientists Watch Fantastic Voyage

Rupert the Scientist: My God, Watson! It appears our experiment has gone terribly, terribly awry!
Chet the Scientist: omg this fucking sucks
Rupert the Scientist: This is incredible - we've somehow re-oriented our spatial coordinates!
Chet the Scientist: yea we're really small
Rupert the Scientist: What in God's name are we going to do, Watson?
Chet the Scientist: dude my name isn't watson
Rupert: (grabbing Chet's shoulders and furiously shaking them) What are we going to do, Watson?!
Chet: y do you keep calling me that
Rupert: Calm down, Watson! OK, OK...we're going to be calm about this. Calm, and rational. We'll just deal with this problem like we deal with every problem...
Chet: fuck no we're not watching that stupid movie again
Rupert: watching the greatest movie in the history of mankind, Fantastic Voyage!
Chet: no that movie is teh suck, you can lick my nuts
Rupert: Insert the tape, Watson!
Chet: fist yourself
Rupert: Thank you, Watson!
(The movie begins playing)
Chet: dude how did you do that
Dr. Duval: Yet all the suns that light the corridors of the universe shine dim before the blazing of a single thought...
Grant: - proclaiming in incandescent glory the myriad mind of Man...
Dr. Michaels: Very poetic, gentlemen. Let me know when we pass the soul.
Dr. Duval: The soul? The finite mind cannot comprehend infinity - and the soul, which comes from God, is infinite.
Dr. Michaels: Yes, well, our time isn't.
Chet: o snap
Rupert: This movie is drowning in majesty!
Chet: raquel welch was really hot. i would tap that like a mafia phone line
Rupert: Do not defile the sacred vessel of the Blessed Cora Peterson, Assistant to the Handsome and Godly Dr. Peter Duval!
Chet: shut ur face, crazy man
[Near the end of them movie, the intrepid crew escapes their ruined submarine through a teardrop, escaping in the nick of time and reverting to normal size]
Rupert: Now, Watson, if you once again INSIST on pointing out that tiny logical inconsistency in an otherwise brilliant film, I shall become very cross.
Chet: y didn't the sub get bigger and crack that dude's skull like a ping pong ball under a freight locomotive
Rupert: That's IT, Watson, that's absolutely the last straw!
Chet: if you call me Watson 1 more time i am going to flip out
Rupert: Prepare yourself, insolent cur!
Chet: for what, u hack, u cant do anything, do u think u r a wizard or something -
[Chet explodes]
Rupert: Yes. I am a wizard! I put on my robe and my wizard hat!
Grant: - proclaiming in incandescent glory the myriad mind of Man...
Dr. Michaels: Very poetic, gentlemen. Let me know when we pass the soul.
Dr. Duval: The soul? The finite mind cannot comprehend infinity - and the soul, which comes from God, is infinite.
Dr. Michaels: Yes, well, our time isn't.
Chet: o snap
Rupert: This movie is drowning in majesty!
Chet: raquel welch was really hot. i would tap that like a mafia phone line
Rupert: Do not defile the sacred vessel of the Blessed Cora Peterson, Assistant to the Handsome and Godly Dr. Peter Duval!
Chet: shut ur face, crazy man
[Near the end of them movie, the intrepid crew escapes their ruined submarine through a teardrop, escaping in the nick of time and reverting to normal size]
Rupert: Now, Watson, if you once again INSIST on pointing out that tiny logical inconsistency in an otherwise brilliant film, I shall become very cross.
Chet: y didn't the sub get bigger and crack that dude's skull like a ping pong ball under a freight locomotive
Rupert: That's IT, Watson, that's absolutely the last straw!
Chet: if you call me Watson 1 more time i am going to flip out
Rupert: Prepare yourself, insolent cur!
Chet: for what, u hack, u cant do anything, do u think u r a wizard or something -
[Chet explodes]
Rupert: Yes. I am a wizard! I put on my robe and my wizard hat!
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